AINAK AR - Factory planning (UX/UI improvement project)


“AINAK AR”- A mobile app with  combination of augmented reality and virtual reality to allow the user experience the augmentation of 3D models into the physical space with the use of the app. The aim of the project is to explore related service concept and update the UX/UI of the product.

During the project, we evaluated the design to explore different improvement opportunity, understood the concept, designed service and developed prototype for “AINAK AR”.

Project Initiation

We had a session with the CTO of AINAK AR, where he demonstrated and supervised the fundamental aspects of AINAK AR mobile app. We used the app in hand and experienced its functionalities.

First Impression

There was not much difficulty with using the app as the app provides very clear guidelines and there was enough support from the demonstrator. Having said that it was not easy to predict the behavior of some of the elements, such as- marking the corners while making a layout, as it was seemingly going above the surface level at times but was later being demonstrated how to properly handle the functionality by the demonstrator.

The app was very easy to use and contains the methods and icons which we use in our day to day applications. The steps were also quite clear and had sufficient guidelines with descriptive instructions.

The 3D models were bit confusing at first as they were seemingly floating above the other elements those are existed in the real world but later the positioning was understood having the VR mode(walls mode) on.

UX study of AINAK AR (In-depth report)

We evaluated the app in a group and derived some ideas which gave us with some good understanding about the app and its design. The response of our work was quite good, and we were also satisfied with the progress that we made. Feedbacks from the product owners was also very motivating as they identified the effort, we did by acknowledging our work. 

For evaluation we have used different design principles such as - Nielsen's heuristics, Galitz theory, design thinking methodologies etc.

Brainstorming session 

The session was to brainstorm the ideas about the Ainak AR and related services and figure out how to improve them utilizing the tool from Lab 8. There were some clear ideas from this session about what is the expectation of the product owner and other stakeholders. The session also provided with ideas about future work to be needed for out project.

UX/UI Improvement plan

We then came up with an updated project plan following the outcome from the brainstorming session. First we came up with some use cases and then we chose one of them for our project orientation. We came up with an updated customer journey map for the improved app. While defining the final project plan we learned to work with customer journey mapping tool Miro. 

 Based on the updated journey map, we also defined the work. How to achieve them. 

Low fidelity prototype

We made low fidelity prototype using pen and paper. We presented out work with the stakeholders and product owner and used the feedback to design our high-fidelity prototype.

 High-Fidelity prototype

High fidelity prototype was designed with Adobe XD. Color was chosen based on the existing color options of the product owners company.

                                 Link to the prototype: High fidelity prototype- AINAK

Usability test

Usability tests were conducted asking users having similar IQ and IT skills to our target user to test our product. Various improvement implications were found during the tests. 

5G Foodies

During the evaluation we also found use of 3D models and AR planning in restaurant industry. Using smart technologies and innovations such as- AI, VR, AR, 3D models, IOT, smart systems etc. a business owner can design a superior service that will keep them ahead of their competitors.

The exclusiveness of this design is minimum physical component and ultimate virtual components which allows the user make regular modifications and design their dreams.
